WEIGHT (1/2") |
WEIGHT (7/8") |
TT1830 |
18" X 30" |
4.5 lbs. |
5.5 lbs. |
TT1848 |
18" X 48" |
7.5 lbs. |
8.5 lbs. |
TT2436 |
24" X 36" |
7.5 lbs. |
8.5 lbs. |
TT3660 |
36" X 60" |
17.9 lbs. |
21.0 lbs. |
CUSTOM SIZES - available in lengths up to 60 lin. ft
WEIGHT (1/2") |
WEIGHT (7/8") |
TTR24 |
24" |
2.4 lbs. lin. ft. |
2.8 lbs. lin. ft. |
TTR36 |
36" |
3.6 lbs. lin. ft. |
4.2 lbs. lin. ft. |
TTR48 |
48" |
4.8 lbs. lin. ft. |
5.6 lbs. lin. ft. |
TTR60 |
60" |
6.0 lbs. lin. ft. |
7.0 lbs. lin. ft. |
TTR72 |
72" Seamed |
7.2 lbs. lin. ft. |
8.4 lbs. lin. ft. |
TTR96 |
96" Seamed |
9.6 lbs. lin. ft. |
11.2 lbs. lin. ft. |
Colors: Brown, Grey, Tan, Charcoal, Sandalwood, Blue, Black/White
Tile top is constructed of 3/32" heavy duty marbilized vinyl tile surface, permanently bonded to a 3/8" resilient sponge base. Overall thickness is approximately 1/2".
A matting that provides comfort for people who stand at counters, copiers and teller stations widely used by Banks, and office personnel.
Positively not guaranteed against damage from spike heels, casters or pointed stool legs.
Tile Top is available in standard stock sizes and in roll lengths. Edges will be beveled.
